How to Dedicate a Memorial Bench?
Use of memorial benches to honor a loved one who has died is becoming pretty common among individuals, groups, and organizations. It’s not just municipalities and government firms funding a memorial for a particular city leader that was popular in town. In fact, now various other groups are using memorial benches as a fitting way to honor many people in their local areas.
This guide will walk you through the process of dedicating a memorial bench, how to install granite grave markers in a public place and how headstones maker companies can help.
Where can you install a memorial bench?
Mostly families like the idea of organizing a memorial bench in a public place -it could be the seaside, local park or a garden with which the individual or family has a special connection.
While on the other hand, some people prefer to install a bench in their back yard to remind them of their loved one and to spend time reflecting on their life. Some have a preferred cemetery, churchyard or a woodland area where they would like to place a headstone for their loved one or even a pet. In fact Pet grave markers have also become quite common in cemeteries.
The Taylorsville-Winfield Lions Club of Carroll City Maryland is just one of the many public places to install a memorial bench. When the club was offered a chance to be a part of the area’s first park development, the club owners didn’t hesitate in donating a bench with their logo on it.
Linda Brady, Club President said, “Installing a bench with our name on it was a way of letting residents know that our Lion’s Club is here, and actively helping people”.
Memorial benches are being used as an integral element in the beautification projects of communities like Gardnerville Nevada and at the Massena Public Library in Massena, New York. In fact, the installation of memorial benches is playing a big part in Gardenville’s downtown district.
They have installed memorial benches along Highway 395 which are open to sponsorship from local businesses, service groups, families and/or individuals.
Tell a Story with a Memorial Bench
Memorial benches lined along The Strand on Manhattan Beach, California tell great individual stories. Today, more than 40 memorial benches are placed along and around the walkway, offering perfect spots to sit and enjoy the mesmerizing view of the beach.
Each of these memorial benches holds a personal story of the loved one honored by the beach. And each bench is customized to fit with the landscape while simultaneously designed to perfection by Stacy Dukes, a local artist. You can also take guidance by reading memorial benches or headstone design tips online to make it look as perfect as possible.
Order a Memorial Bench in Maryland, Virginia
One of the major benefits of a memorial bench is that they are easy to purchase and install. While other types of tributes i.e.statue, plaque or a painting might take a bit of time, Eastern Memorials can help you with fast installation process when it comes to memorial benches.
You can request a quote and send in the message you want to be inscribed on the bench to place your order.