Knowing About Korean Funeral Traditions
December 24, 2019
Every country has its own funeral traditions and saying farewell to their loved ones. The traditions in the US and Canada are different from the traditions in China and India. The same goes for Korea. Their traditions are quite different from those of other cultures and countries. The traditions also vary depending on an individual’s Read More

What Exactly the Story of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in DC
November 8, 2019
History of the Vietnamese War: Vietnam was initially a part of French Indochina, which was a French colony in Southeast Asia. This colony was established in 1887 to reinforce Catholicism. Indochina was headed by the French up until World War II where France was taken over by Nazi Germany. On the other hand, Japan invaded Read More

All You Need to Know About Korean War Memorial
November 5, 2019
History of the Korean War: The Korean War was a conflict between North Korea and South Area. It started on the 25th of June, 1950 and lasted through an extensive time period of more than 3 years. It ended on the 27th of July, 1953. In the war, North Korea with the support of China Read More

List of Cemeteries Eastern Memorials Covers
August 26, 2019
A full-service monument company that specializes in creating personalized memorials, was created by two men who were passionate about becoming memorialists and forming their own company in the year 1992. For more than 25 years, we have had the privilege to serve all of the ethnic communities and offer a complete line of memorials which Read More

Questions to answer before hiring a Memorial Company
August 24, 2019
Choosing a memorial company or retailer can be a difficult task. An established memorial retailer with an honest reputation should be the right choice. Before hiring any memorial company, you need to see if they have answers to certain queries. Is installation of memorial the only business they do? Are they members of any Read More

Choosing a Memorial Headstone: Advice and Inspiration
August 22, 2019
The process of selecting or designing a headstone for your loved ones is not as easy as it seems. A lot of questions come into the mind, such as: Should I go for a headstone and base or go with a full monument? What sort of stone should the headstone be made of? What should Read More

Pet Memorials: Ways to Remembering Deceased Pet Animals
August 5, 2019
The most difficult thing a pet owner goes through is losing it through death. The grief that comes with the passing of a pet is both intense and unpredictable. Learn the ways through which you can honor your pet.

Here’s Why More and More People Are Choosing Fairfax Memorial Park
July 4, 2019
Founded by Cornelius H. Doherty in 1957 and opened for burials in 1969, Fairfax Memorial Park is a family owned and family operated cemetery. Cornelius’s sons Michael and Cornelius Jr. are the cemetery owners today. The cemetery started out as a Christian cemetery and its main aim was to provide a diverse range of Catholic Read More

7 Ideas to Create a Personalized Headstone
June 24, 2019
Losing a loved one can be hard. When choosing monuments for cemeteries, one wonders what to add to it other than the basic information, so that it acts like a memorial too

The Fear of Funerals and How You Can Fight Against It
June 17, 2019
Everything with a start has an ending too, and that includes life as well. Death is something that awaits us all. It is the inevitable truth of life and no matter what we do or where we go; there is simply no way to escape death.

Top Five Alternatives to Sympathy Flowers
June 15, 2019
Funeral flowers are a strong tradition across the world. Family and friends often send sympathy flowers directly to the bereaved or arrange floral tributes that are sent to the funeral director to be included in the memorial service.

How to Act at a Funeral – A Complete Guide
June 10, 2019
If you are attending a funeral for the first time it is essential to get familiar to a few rules and guidelines. From wearing the right color to offering your condolences to the family, we unveil all that can help you feel at ease when attending a funeral service.

Everything you want to know about the therapy dogs at funerals
May 27, 2019
There’s a reason why dogs are nicknamed ‘man’s best friend. If you too are a dog-lover, you will agree how just a few minutes with your four-legged friend can brighten your day and help you feel better. Pet therapy strongly endorses this idea by taking it a notch higher. Using the help of canine companions, Read More

6 Ways to Help You Mark your Loved One’s Death Anniversary
May 22, 2019
A death anniversary is a time for simple contemplation, remembrance, fellowship and family gatherings. Whether you choose to reflect on your loved one's life on the death anniversary, or any other occasion such as their birthday, the way you choose to honor them can change with every passing year.

Effective Ways to Cope With Losing a Pet
May 13, 2019
In many ways, owning a pet is like taking care of a baby; they curiously mess around with stuff, they make noises and jump around, they shower us with their love and most importantly, they give us our daily dose of unlimited cuteness and fun.

A Complete Guide To Selecting a Headstone
May 10, 2019
When we talk about honoring our deceased loved one, choosing and designing a headstone is an important part of the discussion. Understanding the cemetery rules and regulations, defining a budget, selecting appropriate materials, and choosing a reputable Single Headstones and/or Double Headstones.

Who Can Run a Funeral or a Memorial Ceremony?
May 9, 2019
Most people don’t realize, but anyone can run a funeral service. In fact, there are a variety of options available when you choose who should conduct your loved one’s funeral or memorial service.

Our Favorite Funeral Poems for a Sister
May 8, 2019
Putting your emotions in words is difficult when some one as close as a sister passes away. For this reason, we have compiled our favorite 3 funeral poems which you can relate to and read at her funeral. You can also have it engraved on her headstone.

Four Famous Celebrity Graves Worldwide
May 6, 2019
Visiting famous grave sites of celebrities is considered as a way of paying tribute to important historical and cultural figures. Taking out time to visit the grave sites of celebrities and famous people allows us to feel that we are part of their memory.

Four Things You Need To Deal With When A Loved One Dies
May 6, 2019
Paperwork is the last thing you want to think about when a loved one dies. Working through grief, pulling friends and family close around and taking care of the emotional needs seem like the only important things. Here are 4 things you need to deal with after the demise of a loved one.

How to Dedicate a Memorial Bench?
April 30, 2019
Use of memorial benches to honor a loved one who has died is becoming pretty common among individuals, groups, and organizations.

Decorating Headstones for Your Loved Ones
April 29, 2019
Decorating headstones and grave markers of loved ones is one of the best ways for honoring their memory and legacy. This blog shares some ways through which you can decorate headstones for graves without spending in an affordable way.

Top 3 Saddest Movie Death Scenes of All Time
April 23, 2019
Believe it or not, but movies are a vital part of our lives today. Apart from just being a source of entertainment, they provide us a safe space to express our emotions. The characters on screen can sometimes fill up so much power in a scene that allows us to not only laugh like fools but cry like babies.

How to Tell a Child about Some One’s Death
April 19, 2019
Whether your pet has passed away and you want to take your kid to select Pet Grave Markers for it or, there has been a death in the family and you want to take your child to the funeral, talking about death with kids is never easy.

Ideas for a Celebration of Life Funeral
April 16, 2019
Once the funeral is over, the cemetery’s authorities lower the coffin into the grave, pour mud on it and place the flat grave markers chosen by the family, on the upper side of the grave.

Best Hymns and Poems for Funerals
April 15, 2019
Other than having a nice poem or a hymn printed on their loved ones’ single or double headstone, a lot of people also like to use them at the funeral.

Most Popular Funeral Songs Of All Time
April 12, 2019
Funeral songs and goodbye songs have been around for quite some time and today, playing music at a funeral is so common that you can actually hire a professional DJ for the job.Whether you choose to hire a professional DJ or not, there are some great funeral songs for saying goodbye.

What to Wear to a Funeral?
April 10, 2019
The death of a loved one is always an emotionally demanding and stressful time for the immediate family of the deceased. What adds more to their trouble during this tough situation is that fact that the family also has get in touch with a nice funeral service.

Going Back To Work After Losing a Loved One
April 9, 2019
Losing a loved one is one of the toughest and most emotionally demanding situations that a person can be in. When you first hear the news of death your first reaction is to completely reject it, your denial is so strong that you are willing to fight just to prove the doctors wrong.

The Most Famous Graves in the United States of America
April 8, 2019
Granite headstones are expensive however with a through research you can find affordable headstones and gravestone companies in Maryland, Washington D.C and Virginia.

Funeral Songs That You Can Play at a Friend’s Funeral
April 5, 2019
Losing a love one is not easy. However, you can give them a nice farewell in the form of funeral. You can also play funeral songs to commemorate their ideas and life memories.

Dealing With the Death of a Child
April 2, 2019
Parents who lose their child find it hard to get back to how they were. They spend their days going through their child’s belongings.

Expressions of Sympathy When Someone Passes Away
March 29, 2019
Sympathizing with grieving families may not come naturally to some. However, learning about a few funeral sympathizing phrases will make it easy for such families in such cases.

Overcoming The Pain of Missing Your Loved Ones
March 29, 2019
Losing loved ones is not easy. Here is how you can over the pain of missing your loved ones when having to deal with their death.

How Much Does a Funeral Cost?
March 19, 2019
Arranging the funds for the funeral is a big responsibility. You need to know funeral prices from the headstone price to funeral flowers price etc to be able to have a proper funding plan in mind.

Final Resting Places of 7 Legendary Americans
March 18, 2019
Everyone has to die at one point in life. This blog pays tribute and shares the final resting places of 7 legendary Americans who once walked the earth.

How to Find Granite Headstones at Affordable Pricing?
March 12, 2019
The death of a family member or a close friend can really crush your spirit and leave you feeling broken. The pain becomes even worse if the passing away was completely unexpected and out of the blue.

The Best Ways for Remembering Deceased Loved Ones
March 11, 2019
The one thing about losing a loved one that only those people know who have actually gone through such a loss is that the void is never filled again. However, there are ways through which you can still remember the deceased loved ones.

What Suicidal Death Looks Like?
March 4, 2019
Losing a friend or family member to suicide is one of the saddest and most heartbreaking experiences that a person can ever go through. As depressing as suicide may be, the truth is that majority of people who commit suicide fully understand what they are doing.

Why you Should Write Your Own Obituary
February 28, 2019
Obituary is a piece of writing describing a person's life of events, achievements, interests and hobbies after he/she passes away. Learn why you need to write your own obituary and suggest a few quotes to be printed on headstones.

Keeping the End in Mind
February 25, 2019
Keeping the death in mind will help you live a planned life instead of the one that is without any purpose. Learn to live purposefully before your funeral.

How to Clean Headstones at Cemetery?
February 21, 2019
Headstones require proper maintenance and cleaning. Whether its a granite headstone or a bronze headstone, regular cleaning will keep it from deteriorating. Learn the best tips for cleaning a headstone.

Famous Shakespeare Readings and Poems on a Funeral
February 19, 2019
Shakespeare wrote a number of plays and poems in his lifetime and many of them involved death. This blog covers some of the funeral poems and death scripts from some of his famous plays.

10 Steps to Assist those Who are Grieving
February 8, 2019
If you have ever lost special someone in your life, you would know what it means to grieve and mourn. As humans, we tend to build strong connections with those around us and the stronger the connection, the deeper is the pain of losing them. At such times, close friends and family can offer the Read More

10 Funny Obituaries From Around the World
February 4, 2019
Obituary is a death notice shared mostly in news papers. It includes a brief biography about the deceased. Here are 10 funny obituaries compiled from around the world.

Knowing About the Different Type of Burials
January 29, 2019
Death is the universal truth. However, we can honor the dead by giving them a nice burial. There are different ways for burying dead around the world.

Why Choose Granite Headstones for Your Loved Ones?
January 28, 2019
Losing a loved one is painful. The only thing to be done is to plan a funeral properly and for that you need to choose the right headstone. Granite is one of the best materials available in the market.

Know the Different Types and Buying Process of Headstones
January 25, 2019
Losing a loved one is painful. The only thing to be done is to plan a funeral properly and for that you need to choose the right headstone. Granite is one of the best materials available in the market.